
Update & Quick Install

We have an APK to use our guide. You may also use any guide the accepts M3U or username/password and domain/port.
We do suggest using our APK versus the others. Due to being fully customizable & superior.

This is the first steps after you do the initial setup of your actual device. Refer to the instructions in the box for initial startup. 

To setup our APK Guide
Click the logo below "CaboMate Guide"


You will first need to uninstall CaboMate Guide from your device.
To do this, from the homescreen of your device you will see the green CaboMate logo.
Now go to your device settings.
Click the following:

If you go back & see CaboMate in your apps. You have not uninstalled CaboMate. This is not in downloads or favorited. This is on your home screen & in app.

Follow this link on installing CaboMate Guide again How to Install CaboMate

Click here for download

Login credentials

If your guide opens to No channels or 0 channel playlist
-Close the guide back to home screen of the device
-Click settings
-Click apps
-Click CaboMate Guide
-Click Forcestop
-Click Clear DATA!!!!!!!!!


Now go back and reenter your login credentials. You may have spelt them incorrect.
If the channel list still says 0 channels. You must go back and follow the steps above in Step 2

After you have logged in. Please clean up your guide by these ways:
1. Open the guide and hold to OK/enter button 2 seconds and the right side Settings menu opens. Click settings at the bottom.

Each section below leave only a green dot. The rest are grey dots
General: Confirm exit by second press Back
TV Guide: both buttons green
        Groups: Highlight current group in color
Press back until you are at the Guide again.
*We do not recommend using the Favorites groups as they will delete with any changes to said channels.